Thursday, February 7, 2013

New Jersey's Christie fires back at doctor over weight comments.

(Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie responded angrily on Wednesday to a former White House physician's comment that he could die in office if he does not lose weight, calling the doctor a "hack" for offering advice without examining him.

My Comment:
Truth is BITTER!!! Even though I'm not a medical doctor, each time I see this guy on TV, he looks like a ticking time bomb waiting for something to detonate it? And as Steve Harvey pointed out on his radio show this morning, “The woman (doctor) was just telling him (Christie) the truth. I’ve been to the White House and saw the steps leading to the place. I don’t know how Christie will take those steps with his heavy weight if he becomes the president…unless he wants to run the nation from the basement of the White House…”

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