Friday, March 15, 2013


Today, I’m using the opportunity of another March 15th to take stocks of my life. And, as always, I have a testimony of gratitude even as I marvel at God’s constant abiding faith, love and blessings. From a book-length list, I can only mention very few major examples:

First, I have learnt to relish every moment of my life as I consider each new day a bonus. Why so? From childhood, I have been spared from several (potentially) untimely deaths that are just too many for one individual to grapple with in a lifetime. Most often, I wonder if God is going into all these troubles to enable me perform some “special assignments” that are yet to be revealed… even as I am now “getting old”.

Second is the rare gift of a most loyal, wonderful wife that loves me unconditionally.

Third are the great kids that constitute themselves into joyful blessings in my life at all times.    

Of course, added to all these primary blessings are the sundry stuff that God deems fit to bestow on me from time to time.

And this therefore is the reason for my usual response of “I can’t complain” whenever people ask me, “How are you doing…, how is life treating you…or what’s going on???”

To God be the glory!!!

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