Sunday, March 31, 2013

Resurrection & Christianity.

The Pharisees never believed anything Jesus said especially about the resurrection. To them, no prophet…not even the revered Moses enjoyed such a privilege. From time immemorial, prophets came, did whatever they were sent to do and they died…gone for good. They never resurrected!

In view of this fact, the Pharisees did everything in their power to dispute, disprove and prevent the promised resurrection of Jesus. They went to the extent of requesting for armed guards at the tomb of the Messiah. This was because they suspected that some of the disciples might come to steal the body of Jesus in an effort to claim that the latter had resurrected.

But in spite of everything, the words of God as stated in Holy Scriptures came to pass. This was not just a reincarnation where the soul departs from a body. This was resurrection where the body and the soul were lifted up alive! Even Thomas, a staunch disciple was so baffled by the strange phenomenon that he demanded to see the hands of Jesus. And the doubtful man was able to see the bloody scars on the palms…where long, thick nails had previously passed through.

All over the universe are several religions that were created by mere mortals who, though, had some close spiritual relationships with God. But none can be compared with Christianity. Unlike other religions, it’s the resurrection of Jesus Christ that makes Christianity stands out with a unique selling point. Without the resurrection, Christianity would have been just another glorified religion. 

It’s no wonder therefore that considerable number of people, all over the world, are easily persuaded on daily basis to jettison their religions to become Christians. Thank you Jesus!

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