Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Temptation of Fate.

The Temptation of Fate is a tale of naïve teenagers and ignorant young adults who tempt fate with their rebellious, value-deficient attitudes. These youngsters are never prepared to take responsibilities for their actions because they think the world owes them something. And they are inadvertently encouraged by parents who do not know the difference between parental love and negligence.

JESSICA WEATHERS: A white 17 year-old teenager in the suburb of Chicago is a spoilt brat whose profane vocabulary will make a sailor green with envy. In spite of her loving, adoring parents and a middle-class background, Weathers cannot wait to be free from an assumed parental control.

LAKEERA WATSON: On the other side of Chicago, this time, a poor, tough inner city neighborhood, is this black 16-year old who walks in on her mother and boyfriend as they have sex. Her mother’s nasty parental indiscretion and negligence will pave the way for the older woman’s boyfriend to lust after the teenager. And the girl’s greed for all that glitters does not help matters.

ERIC TURNER: For this 23 year-old African American, it’s been a rise through thick and thin from a notorious Chicago south-side neighborhood to become a health care professional. He however commits some moral and legal blunders that threaten to derail everything for which he has worked.

MARY MILLER: Turner’s mother and his strong pillar of support. Miller struggles against all odds and stereotypes to ensure the emancipation of her kids from a ghetto existence. Now that her son appears to be on a downward spiral, the woman springs into action not only to save him from going to jail but also to avoid his relapse into a life of doldrums. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B004K1ETI4

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