Thursday, October 10, 2013

Manscaping, my Foot!

Sometimes ago, I was having my car oil changed at a workshop when a guy sauntered into the waiting room. One thing about him that instantly caught my attention was the whoosh of smell that followed his movement. He was practically drenched in perfume…and I thought perfume was meant for women while cologne was for men.

The second observation I made about the guy was the bold make-up on his face. At first glance, he could very much easily be mistaken for a woman.

As I quietly meditated over this strange sight, the guy stood up to walk out of the room. As he did so, I could not resist the impulse to stare directly at him. And as I did this, a woman that sat close by me smiled and shook her head.

“That’s some ‘manscaping’…isn’t it?” she asked me.

“Manscaping?” I asked. “What’s that?”

The woman explained that “manscaping” was the process where a man would undergo manicure, pedicure, hair styling, facials and a whole lot of stuff for which women were known. But in conclusion, the woman remarked that the guy overdid it.

Overdid it? That was the biggest understatement of the year! That guy looked more feminine than masculine.

When a man starts applying make-ups and doing all kinds of feminine stuff, what does he expect his wife or woman to do?

Manscaping, my foot!

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