Monday, October 14, 2013

Who Are Your Associates or Friends?

Lately, I have been thinking about the reasons why some people do what they do and specifically, why they just can’t seem to get things right in their lives.

There are individuals who appear to have perennial relationship problems. They enter into a relationship and before long, it’s all over and they start wondering what goes wrong; is it with them or the erstwhile partners? There are some married couples who just can’t comprehend why their spouses often do things that are inimical to the success of their marriages. And there are parents who are at their tethers ends in finding solutions to their kids’ constant resort to getting into troubles with the law, most often over some dumb stuff.

The first step in getting a solution may start with getting a list of the affected individual’s 5 closest associates or friends.  Now, the closest associates may include friends, siblings or (and) relations. Studies have now proved that a person’s attitude to life, social grace (or a lack of it), spirituality, work ethics and several other character traits are mostly shaped by the influences of their closest associates. For instance, drug addiction, alcoholism, infidelity, indolence, and other social vices don’t just suddenly feature in the character traits of an individual without the direct or indirect influence of the person’s closest associates. 

Once the evaluation of the concerned associates is concluded and those with negative influences are identified, the next stage is the elimination of their presence from the life of the affected individual.

And the final stage in the search for solution is the re-inventing of the individual on a clean slate of values.

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