I must confess that the process of writing this message evoked in me, a deep sense of nostalgia and a mental trip down memory lane in regard to the great OBHS. Without doubt, we all have the Almighty God and our school to thank for all the medical doctors, lawyers, professors, political leaders, engineers, teachers, accountants, business tycoons and other professionals among us today.
Based on an observation, I wish to implore a vast number of our fellow older ex-students to take more advantage of the numerous social media that are available on the cyberspace. This is important because it’s one major avenue by which we can network among each other and further the interest of our school. The younger generations are doing a marvelous job in this regard and we need to emulate them. I am personally looking forward to a time when we can locate and even “meet” each others' families on the Facebook or any other social medium.
Finally, I’m using this forum to appreciate and thank some individuals for the great roles they have been performing in the effective running of the O.B.H.S.O.S.A. On behalf of members in the diasporas therefore, I am especially expressing a deep sense of gratitude to Lanre, the association’s indefatigable president (who also happened to be my classmate). The same gratitude goes to my great “aburo” (Wole), the hard-working General Secretary and the other past and present executive members (at national and state levels) for jobs well-done in the upliftment of our great OBHS. I wish you all a joyful deliberation. And may God bless you.
Femi Olawole
Delaware, United States.
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