Friday, May 15, 2015

The Motherland.



Shante Green said...

In spite of everything, I still love and long for the Motherland.

Bolanle Akanbi said...

No thanks to our political leaders.

Aduke Adesanya said...

I believe every continent, like every nation, has its time. It may not be in our lifetime but Africa shall emerge great.

David Simpson said...

Once upon a time, the super power status rested with the Greeks. They were followed by the Romans of today's Italy. Then, the British became a super power along with Germany and Japan. After all these guys, the United States became the super power. In view of its massive natural resources and the great love for education among its people, I guess the next super power will emerge from Africa.

Anike Adebayo said...

Using Nigeria (the giant of Africa) as an example, there was nothing stopping it from being a great nation long before now BUT for its many corrupt, selfish leaders. In a land of plenty, only a few people are amassing the wealth to themselves.