Saturday, May 25, 2013

Learning at the Feet of Giants.

I have received a series of e-mails from readers in regard to my writings in this blog. I was humbled especially by many of the readers who expressed admiration for the demonstration of esoteric knowledge and wisdom in the various writings.

I have also been bombarded with mails from some other readers who expressed curiosity about my age, professional background, life experiences and above all, the sources of the wisdom displayed in my various subjects in the blog.    

In response to these questions therefore, it's pertinent to state that I have been privileged to learn and acquire considerable wisdom at the feet of wise elders in the past fifty something years. In a nutshell, all of these endeavors can be summarized with the following voice of a sage:  

"If I know what I know, 

it is by seeing further ahead 

and if I have seen further ahead, 

it is by standing upon 

the shoulders of giants." 

- Sir Isaac Newton.

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