The picture below speaks volumes about the lives of many young
people more so, those in the inner cities, where ignorance is
as tall as the Sears Towers.
It's a manifestation of a gross social malady where too many young women in their formative years make very wrong choices in their lives. You only have to step into an inner city neighborhood and the first attraction is the sad sight of various baby prams being pushed around by young mothers, some of whom are babies themselves.
In their early physiological development, these emergency "moms" should have been engrossed in school works and not saddled with some kids. The worse aspect of it all is the men (or boys) who are responsible for these sudden ugly "transformations". They are usually no where to be found in the fatherhood department. If they are not in jail, they are most likely loitering around some street corners in pursuit of mischief or going after some other "suckers in skirts". But the fault is not entirely theirs. Most times, it's the young women who get themselves into the life's dead-ends because they think all that glitters are gold. For the mess they get themselves into, all they were offered by the prowling "players" are just a temporary whiff of money and false promises.
Most unfortunately, the young women are never the same, physically and mentally. It's a shame to see young women who were once pretty and full of lives suddenly become
transformed into caricatures of their former selves. First, they now look older than their real ages, even in spite of the usual make-ups. Second, one can only wonder why they can't do something about
their protruding stomachs which make them look like they are permanently carrying some 6-month-old pregnancies. And third, even as pathetic as their circumstances are, they still dream big of marrying some "good" men some day.
If only they had the right home backgrounds and values to make education their priorities instead of some mundane stuff and reckless,
unprotected sex!
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