The major issue arising from this matter is the need for a retraining of police officers across the nation. They all need to stop seeing a section of the people they are serving as enemies. Currently, officers are trained with a war-zone mentality. And to worsen the situation, a lot of white police officers harbor stereotypical views about black folks. Sadly, they allow this myopic views to affect their judgements in the performance of official duties.
The main irony in this case is the fact that both men, Slager, 33, and Scott, 55, were U.S. Coast Guard veterans. Slager was said to have a history of excessive force while Scott had some child support issues and traffic violations. Neither of the two however had a record of violence.
Both cop and victim have mothers who care a lot about them. While the victim’s mother has already forgiven the killer cop, the latter’s mother is prayerful, “I just have to let it be and hope God takes care of everybody involved — not only my family but the Scott family because I know they're grieving just like I'm grieving, so I want them to know that…"
This is yet, an awfully terrible incident. One therefore can only hope that going forward, our police officers will learn to be very careful as they perform their very sensitive duties to the members of the public. There just has to be an enough of these sad, unfortunate incidents.
I'm so sick and tired of hearing or reading about these crazy shootings by the police.
This is so sad!
Did you say the cops need some retraining? I beg to disagree! What training do you think can erase years of bottled-up hatred, stereotype and prejudice in the minds of white cops against black folks?
God bless you Ms. Johnson! What type of training will remove an in-bred sense of hatred from the minds of white cops against black people?
I don't see how a white child that has been raised to hate black folks grow up to be nice to black folks all because he or she is wearing some police uniforms.
Yes, I agree with Femi. There have been cases of hardened criminals that later turned their lives around while in jail. And some of them are now pastors or counselors. Anyone can be trained to change their ways for good. So, police officers need some re-training far from their current attitude of war zone mentality. And the re-training exercise is URGENT!
This is one shooting too many. It’s so tragic that the cops that are charged with the responsibility of protecting the public are the same creating a state of fear and paranoid feeling for the same public.
When will the cops learn to start using their tasers and other light stuff instead of rushing to use guns? All these deaths could have been easily avoided.
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