Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Life is Worth Living Well.

I have a belief that the situation of every human being upon death will be like the arrival point of an international airport. There will be a long line of travelers as they arrive from earth. Waiting at the front of the aisle, are some angels who will take one look at each of the new arrivals and direct them to appropriate cubicles for entry interviews.

And very much like the Parable of Talents (Matthew 25:14-30 English Standard Version), a particular group of people will be directed to a cubicle where the interviewer will yell at each one of them; "You slothful idiot! Do you know how long and how painstaking it took God to create and mold you as a precious, distinct individual? Yet, you got lazy, complacent and wasteful of that same precious life. While on earth, you neither passed nor failed except to remain static in one spot. And now, you return up here all messed up, looking sad, depressed and dispirited! Will someone please cast this worthless fool into the outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth!"



April said...

Awesome, as usual!

Josh said...

Okay, I guess it's only natural that I check out your page on daily basis.

Stanley Murphy said...

This is really deep. Good piece!

Lakeshia said...

Isn't it crazy? On the one hand, I found this article scary with the way you painted the international airport arrival hall bits. And on the other hand, very

Justin said...

you just analysed a very interesting portion of the Bible in your own way, and guess what? I love and prefer your analogy!