The former child star however over-reached herself when she mixed confusion with abject ignorance by declaring that; “I am from every continent in Africa, except for one, and I'm from every continent in Europe, except for one."
Can someone please tell the “poor” young woman that she could have derived DNA from every country in Africa and Europe. But there is only one African continent just as there is only one European continent. In the same vein, she is genetically implying that too many species of human beings from across Africa and Europe had, in the past few centuries, engaged in crazy sexual relationships. And that the person called Raven-Symore is a final product of the craziness. What a confused, ignorant individual!
She is totally confused!
This girl needs help.
I guess this young lady only wants to appear in news every now and then...and this is okay except that she rarely thinks before she opens her mouth.
Raven-Symore is my girl but she is fast reminding me of MJ in terms of confusion over her race and identity.
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