The objectives of these tests are to prevent, detect and promptly treat possible discovery of a disease or ailment. Incidentally, there are some diseases that are best treated through an early detection and prevention. A lot of women have lost their lives to breast cancer, cervical cancer and related diseases. In the same vein, too many men have died unnecessarily from prostate cancer, colon cancer and some other diseases. All of these deaths could have been prevented through early detection of diseases. And this can only be done merely by undergoing annual or periodical medical examinations.
I am therefore appealing to men and women (especially those in their 40s and above) to act on this issue as a matter of urgency. "A stitch in time saves nine". Make an arrangement to see your doctor or health care professional as soon as possible.
Thanks for this subject. I've always ignored to adhere to the wise counseling and I'll see my doctor ASAP.
I'm as guilty as everyone else on this issue. It's been awhile since I had my mammogram test.
May God continue to bless you sir. You just reminded me to schedule an appointment for my mammogram.
I just did mine, I mean my annual physical exams. Thanks for this topic.
Thanks mightily for this great topic. As a nurse, I've seen too many people ignore and pay dearly for missing these tests that you mentioned here.
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