Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A Fool at Forty.

By the age of 26, Albert Einstein had already designed some scientific works that stunned and defined the world. At that same age today, there are millions of young people who don't even know what they want to do in life. They are neither laying an academic foundation nor busy in the pursuit of some entrepreneurship. All they do is drag themselves from one pit of stagnation to another. And before they know it, they are forty years old! Blog_fool

There are different objectives to be achieved by an individual at varying stages of his/her life. Yet, each has its time. To carry over a failed objective from one stage to the next is a sad recipe for life's failure. It's therefore amazing to see too many young people take every stage of their lives for granted. For instance, an unaccounted couple of years  in the life of a youngster can later constitute a big clog in the life of that person. This explains the adage, “A fool at forty is a fool forever”.



Timothy McFadden said...

I'm going to print out this piece and pass to my kids. It's something the young men and women need to read and recite to themselves every morning. Thanks.

Angela Iglessias said...

Wow, this is good! I've missed some "steps" in my life already but I wouldn't want to "clog" the next stages with too many "carry overs" stuff. Thanks.

Albert Jenkins said...

I must say, this sounds like my life story.

Bayo said...

Femo, the philosopher!

David Simpson said...

If you don't mind my saying so, I guess your using Albert Einstein as a measure of standard here is a bit too high. That guy was a genius of the most highest standard. And so, not many ordinary folks can be expected to meet his standard.

April Williams said...

All those young dudes that are wasting away their lives in jails for dumb stuff need to read this piece ASAP!

Anike Adebayo said...

"A fool at forty is a fool for ever". I concur sir.

Jude Payton said...

Funny. This kind of applies to me, having messed up real bad in the past.

Fred Atkins said...

Yes, many of today's young people think life will wait patiently for them while they do go on doing a lot of dumb stuff.

Aretha Watson said...

It's sad that the message in this article applies to many of us. Too many mis-steps have been taken in the past which now hunting us, one way or the other.

Henry Pierce said...

I'm really getting to like this blog. This is awesome!