Monday, June 1, 2015

When it’s Time to Make a Decision and let Go of it.

“Que sera, sera,
whatever will be, will be,
the future's not ours to see.
Que sera, sera,
What will be, will be”. - Doris Day.

[caption id="attachment_1873" align="alignleft" width="300"]Black And White Empty Road Black And White Empty Road[/caption]

I had to include the above song lyrics in an e-mail response I sent to a guy who was about to take a tough, sensitive decision. The poor young man was scared that the decision might end up being wrong and regrettable. In my opinion, all we need do in making a very important decision is to consider certain pertinent factors in our lives. After all, it’s all about us, not someone else. And once the decision is taken, there shall be no looking back. We have to let go. After all, no one is perfect. And besides that, whatever will be, will be. To sweat over a decision after it has been made is like taking time to write a letter, put it inside a stamped, addressed envelope, affix a postage stamp to it and then holding on to it forever. How will the mail get to its destination if we don’t let go by placing it inside a mail box?


Wendy Simpsons said...

It's tough to take certain decisions but as you rightly stated, we all have to take them anyway at certain times in our lives and then move on.

Tamika Jones said...

Sometimes, I feel you're writing about me.....smiles. This piece here is very similar to what I'm going through at the moment. A very important decision has to be made and I am SCARED of the outcome.

Tom Brady said...

This is very interesting and very appropriate to what some of us are going through right now.

Shante Green said...

Okay, I have to stop writing "awesome" as my comments to your blog postings every But seriously, this piece is also awesome!

David Simpson said...

Decision-making can be quite daunting. This is especially so for those of us in management. But, good or bad, a decision has to be made on certain issues.

April Williams said...

“Que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be..." That's so right. Whether we stress over things or not, whatever will be, will be. Kudos!

Aduke Adesanya said...

For those of us who are Christians, this is where our faith plays a very important role.

Terri McDaniels said...

Very interesting analogy, if a letter is prepared and enveloped with postage stamp but not dropped in a mail box, how is it expected to get to its destination? Wow!

Truth About abs articles of association said...

Get a lot of carbs, protein, and healthy fats with each meal.

So when you eat 6 meals a day maybe you have 4 cheat meals
a week. This guy understands dieting and exercise and does things the proper way.

Anonymous said...
