Wednesday, February 18, 2015

FBI Investigates KKK Members That Killed Black Couples in 1946.

Click on the above link to read the news story.

Once in a while, I meditate over what it must have been like for black people to live in the Jim Crow era of the United States. I especially wonder what kind of a harrowing experience every black person must have had in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and other evil, blood-dotted places. Those were places where being black meant having a death sentence hang over a person’s head for no reason other than having a wrong skin color. What a horrifying life!

On the other hand, I imagined what a privileged, “wonderful” life it must have been for white folks in those sad days. All a white person needed to feel superior to “all those blacks” was merely his or her skin color. Back then, it didn’t matter how smart, educated or great a black person was, he or she would still be considered inferior by the most stupid, derelict of all human species who merely happened to be created white.

As for the sick, cowardly members of the KKK, they could easily be placed on the same pedestal with the lunatics and animals in ISIS and other Islamic terrorists of the 21st Century. Many of the KKK members must have died by now. Nevertheless, I wish it was possible to know the fates of their miserable souls while in transit in the Cosmic Plane. From the point of view of Metaphysics, one can only contemplate what horror, sadness and bundles of regrets that each of those rotten souls must be going through “ad infinitum”! And for those of them who would have since re-incarnated, it can never be anything less than hell on earth for them in one form or the other. At least, this is what the Law of Karma is all about.

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