Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Humans Can Learn From Tigers.

Humans have a major lesson to learn from tigers in the area of food consumption. Those sleek cats do not eat like gluttons. A tiger never eats unless it’s hungry. When hungry, it will hunt down a deer or any other source of food. And, no matter how many sources of foods are around, a tiger will promptly stop eating as soon as its stomach is full. No more hunting. Not for snacks and not for desserts. It will not even hunt for sports. It’s no wonder therefore that there are no over-weight tigers. Rather, every one of them is healthy, agile and fit as a fiddle. Why can’t we, as humans, learn from tigers?







Tim Berkley said...

This is very educative. I never knew an animal could be so self-disciplined. This is a very interesting piece. Good job!

Josh said...

You're simply a great writer. I've decided to stop by your blog every day for life's lessons. Pls keep it up.

Tracy said...

Wow! Who would have thought that a mere animal could have so much self-control when us humans are so lazy?

Whitney Brooks. said...

Okay now, this is a great lesson for those who look down on animals as lower beings.