The Bible says "Physicians, heal thyself." I have often wondered how some guys can claim to be effective in running the affairs of state, as huge as it is, when they cannot manage their lives or homes. Now, which is a greater responsibility?
The senior Fattah, a U.S. Rep; is supposed to be representing the interest of millions of people at the federal level. Yet, he cannot really be said to have got his life in order. He is twice divorced and on a third wife. And here is just one of his kids that is alleged to be a downward spiral educationally, and yet living large on other people’s money. This is an irritating irony of life that is common among folks who are in the public eyes. It’s worse for political leaders that are entrusted with caring for the lives of those in their political constituents, many of whom are poor.
These public figures are like some pastors whose charity don’t begin at home. They preach about morals, being “born again” and all that. Yet, their kids are the essential anti-thesis to everything they sermonize about on daily basis.
It's the same all over the world. Politicians often care more about their families than the people they claim to serve. Good job sir!
Well-said sir. Who would have expected these types of stuff to be happening in America. I thought only Nigerian politicians were so selfish.
It’s sure is an irony. Some of those we call leaders care so much about themselves that they fail to raise their kids properly.
This problem cuts across races. Those political figures are living fat at our collective expense. And what other ways are these reflected other than in the living styles of their wives and kids. It's a shame!
This is a case of a spoiled rotten brat, period!
It’s such a shame!
Isn't this something? While us ordinary folks are looking up to these political leaders to take care of our interests, they are busy taking care of their own. Shame!
I agree with you. Physicians need to heal themselves before they can heal others. Shameless people!
The damn, dumb drop-out is living like a king while folks like us are struggling living from pay check to check.
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