Monday, May 4, 2015

A Word for the Procrastinators.

Blog_procrastination“Procrastination is the practice of carrying out less urgent tasks in preference to more urgent ones, or doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, and thus putting off impending tasks to a later time, sometimes to the ‘last minute’ before a deadline.” - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

“Whatsoever thou resolves to do, do it now. Do not schedule for tomorrow what today can accomplish.” – The sages of the Rose Cross.



Jude Payton said...

Guilty as charged!

Henry Pierce said...

Personally, I can tolerate a few procrastinations here and there. But what I can't stand is when it's taken completely overboard. Imagine someone beside you saying one moment that they want to go use the bathroom. And several minutes later, they are still muttering loudly to themselves that they need to get up and go use the bathroom...and I feel like yelling at them to get the heck up or shut up!

Aretha Watson said...

Okay, I am guilty of this "sickness"

David Simpson said...

If there are Alcoholic Anonymous, Substance Abuse Treatments centers and others, why is it that there is no place for us chronic procrastinators to get "treatment"?

Anike Adebayo said...

It takes a great amount of self-discipline to beat this

April Williams said...

I guess the daily stress in our rat-race society is a major contributor to this problem.

Bayo said...

In my humble opinion, procrastination is the father of laziness and complacency.