“Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
was blind, but now I see…”
This is a highly spiritual song that gives comfort and solace to those in distress. Who would have expected the condemned men to rely on the same song for succor in such a most hopeless situation? And so, as the volley of hot bullets tore into their bodies, one could only wonder what was going on with their individual souls.
Now, if condemned men could deem it fit to express hope while in the process of a painful transition from the physical to the astral realm, how morally wretched can we claim to be (in the land of the living) to allow mere mundane issues to render us hopeless?
Pictured above are the men executed by the Indonesian government.
I was meditating over today’s church sermon when I read this article. But right now, this is totally overshadowing my thoughts and justifiably so. Thanks.
This is my very first time of commenting on your blog even though I’ve been following with interest. And I say this is great!
I know this is not really about the executed men as it is more about the moral lesson in gratitude. However, I wish folks in the drug or illegal substance trades will learn from this episode that no amount of money is worth having your body shot to pieces with bullets. Get-rich-quick business ideas are only for the ignorant. Every endeavor requires some amounts of work. Let us learned to be contended with our fair wages for fair works done.
What an irony, singing a redemption song while looking forward to being executed!
Wow! I’m still lost in thought.
Awesome piece!
I still can't believe that any nation will make a law that condones the taking of life, and more so, in such a barbaric manner. What a place to live in!
Well.....I guess the importance thing is for people to respect the laws in other lands. If a country says don't bring drugs to our country...then don't take drugs there. Why take a stupid risk that exposes you to death all in the name of getting rich quick?
From now, if I ever complain about any dumb stuff, someone should please tell me to shut the F@#$ up!
Isn’t is funny and crazy…..and dumb? All through yesterday, I was stressing over my car that needed some repairs. And here am I reading about some guys singing Amazing Grace as they waited for death, wow!
Thanks for this re-assurance. Now, I know better that to waste time and energy worrying myself over dumb stuff when I should be thankful for what I have.
What a thought-provoking piece!
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