Friday, May 8, 2015

“No Offense But…” is the beginning of Disrespect.

Usually, when someone starts a conversation with “No offense but…” he/she is not going to say anything positive.  blog_disrespect

Definitely, that person is just about to be offensive. At that point, if they are not immediately discouraged or stopped, an avenue for them to be disrespectful will be created unwittingly. And when that happens, unnecessary problems will arise between them and the other person.

Personally, I have resolved to never wait for such an ignorant person to continue with their conversation. This way, I give a prompt impression that I refuse to be a victim of whatever ignorant thing is about to come out of their mouths. I have however witnessed several scenarios where unwary victims got prejudiced, stereotyped and insulted through spoken words that are started with “No offense but…”

Therefore, when next someone around you starts a conversation with that ominous statement, “No offense but…” tell them immediately to stop right there! Alternatively, change the subject or, run, if all else fails.


Beverly said...

You never disappoint. Kudos!

Don Nelson said...

Right on point sir! I’ve often been at alert whenever someone starts by saying “no offense but…”

Debbie Hayes said...

I once had to tell a colleague of mine to watch anything coming out of her mouth when next she begins with “No offense but…”

Joy Peoples said...

You are after my heart with all these heart-warming words of wisdom.

Albert Jenkins said...

I’m really falling in love with your daily dose of wise words.

Debbie Hayes said...

That’s so true!