Saturday, May 9, 2015

A Set of Twins With Two Fathers.

The New Jersey Law Journal reported on Thursday that a New Jersey woman got the shock of her life when she discovered that her 2-year-old twins have two different fathers. The mother (identified as “T.M.” in court documents) got the news last winter when she received the results of a paternity test mandated by a family court as part of her application for public assistance.Blog_sex

The order was made so as to establish the paternity of the twins (in order to make the twins' "father" pay child support). DNA test results however revealed that the woman had two sexual partners who are now separately responsible for the kids' paternity.

This is grossly absurd. But then, what else really is new in America when it comes to sex? A couple of years back, a young woman appeared on “The Maury Show” to know the father of her new baby. The man she suspected was invited to the show for a DNA test which proved that he was not the father. Then, she brought another man who was found to be free from the paternity as well. After the eighth man was also cleared, the show host was livid with anger as he asked her “Just how many men did you sleep with within the same period of a menstrual cycle?” I lost interest in the case after the woman brought the 12th man from her neighborhood. Alas, even that one was cleared by DNA.

One thing I keep finding painful in stories such as these though is the unfairness of the women involved to the children born out of such sexual recklessness. The hapless kids could have been spared all the nonsense if only their mothers were not so dumb as to engage in unprotected sex. When a woman spreads her itchy legs wide open while shutting off her brain, this is what happens.


April Williams said...

I’m sorry but this is just too awful!

Anita Melvin said...

Poor kids. What kind of future are they going to have emotionally?

Beverly said...

May I point out to the author that sexual recklessness is not limited to the American society and neither should a few cases of some dumb American women define the entire population of American women.

Anike Adebayo said...

As usual in situations such as this, no one appears to say anything about the culpability of men when it comes to sex—they could have used condoms---birth control is not the responsibility of ONLY women.

David Simpson said...

I totally align myself with the author of this blog. The woman could have, at least, used some birth control. In cases such as this, it's woman that suffers at the end of the day. For instance, it’s a woman that gets pregnant, goes through labor pains and have sleepless nights while nursing her baby. No amount of child support can make up for this avoidable stress.

Marjorie Williams said...

I don't care what anyone says, when a woman does something as dumb as this.....sleeping with multiple men at different times and without any form of protection, it's dumb shit! No self-respect and no respect for womanhood.

Joy Peoples said...

This could have been a classic story on The Maury Show…lol.

Angela Iglessias said...

I often try to avoid judging other people but what the woman did was so gross!

Don Nelson said...

Sleeping with two or more men in a menstrual cycle…wow!

Erika said...

Tempting as it is, I refuse to judge the woman.

Henry Pierce said...

The evil some women do lives after them.