Monday, May 11, 2015

How Principled Are You?

"Cowardice asks the question - Is it safe? Expediency asks the question - Is it politic? Vanity asks the question - Is it popular? But Conscience asks the question - Is it right?Blog_principle And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular; but one must take it because it is right"--- Martin Luther King Jr.




Bertha Conley said...

This is lovely.

Bayo said...

These are great words of wisdom from a sage (MLK).

April Williams said...

I can't seem to get enough of great thoughts from Dr. Martin Luther King. May God rests his soul perpetually.

David Simpson said...

These are words on marble. Although only few among us can put these great words to practice. There are just too many vain, selfish and unprincipled cowards out there.

Aduke Adesanya said...

Uhmmm.....these are powerful words...too powerful for many of us to imbibe due to our fears and selfishness.

Joy Peoples said...

Wow, great words. How I wished some of us could be, at least, a little principled as MLK and his generation were. These days, you go on facebook, twitter and the rest of them, and all you see is a long line of people going in the same direction of dumb, ignorant thinking and writing. Only few have the guts to dare to be different.

Angela Iglessias said...

Very thought-provoking!

Beverly said...

Principled in this crazy society----are you f@#$ing kidding me? We all want to look and sound nice to other people. Who wants to upset the apple cart?

Ozimede O A said...

Life is all about taking a stand...which might b right or wrong but d former lives while u have long gone..