Friday, March 27, 2015

The Life of a Spoiled Brat.

At this moment, the principal hung up the phone and turned toward the student.
“Yes, Ms. Weathers…what’s all the altercation between you and Ms. Sanders?”
There was no response.
“Hello…I’m waiting…”
“I…I didn’t like the way she humiliated me in the class.”
“How do you mean…can you be more explicit?”
All of a sudden, Weathers screwed up her face and made some wild gestures with her right hand, prompting the principal to think she was being rude to him.
“What…don’t you dare…” he threatened the student.
The man however stopped in his verbal tracks when, to his dismay, the girl clutched her stomach in obvious pain.
“What…in the world…is wrong with you?”
He rushed to her side as she bolted over, screaming in pain. It was at this stage the principal saw the thick, parallel lines of blood as they snaked down the girl’s pretty, long legs.
Now confused beyond comprehension, the principal called out to his administrative assistant.
“Mary…please call 9-1-1.”
He heard the woman acknowledge his order with the tapping of some numbers on the phone as she placed a call to the emergency dispatcher. He also listened to her subsequent conversation on the phone. Afterwards, the woman rushed to join the duo of the principal and the girl in the office.
“Jessica Weathers…” the principal was calling the girl as she lay crumpled on the floor. “Are you okay?”
“No.” the girl whimpered amidst sobs. “My tummy hurts like shit.”
“Can I call the school nurse?” the Administrative Assistant asked in panic.
“Yes, please…” the principal said but soon turned around to halt the woman’s movement. “But we can’t leave her on the floor. Can you assist me in placing her on a couch?”
With the aid of his administrative assistant, the principal lifted the sobbing girl onto the nearest couch.
Shortly afterwards, they heard the wailing sound of a siren as an ambulance raced furiously in the direction of the administrative block.- Being excerpts from The Temptation of Fate:

The Temptationoffate

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