Monday, June 29, 2015

Gen. Colin Powell on Racism.

It’s downright shameful that a whole President Obama is rudely confronted with so much stereotypes and disrespects on daily basis and, especially, by those who are not as well-educated and professionally grounded as he is.
What then should poor folks like me expect from similar ignorant people all around us? Most often when I look at the idiots who try stereotyping and disrespecting me, I realize that they are barely educated. Each time this happens, all I see is a fool who cannot see beyond his/her nose. And this only drives me crazy.


Shante Green. said...

Marvelous! This piece is really marvelous. And I can see that I'll be making the first

Terri McDaniels said...

Isn't it a shame? That since his assumption of office, President Obama has not been given his due respects--all because of his skin color?

Beverly Emmanuel said...

Yes, it sure is a big shame! But guess what? Whether they (the damned racists) like it or not, president Obama has come to stay as the first black man to occupy the White House. And it's about time anyway for a black president to occupy that White House since it was built on the backs of black folks!

Jumoke Bankole said...

Personally, I have learned to confront racism, prejudice or any type of disrespect head-on with my education. So, whoever wants to disrespect me will first have to prove to me that they are better than me.

Anike Adebayo said...

For those of us African immigrants, it has always been a case of double jeopardy. We are not only black, but also speak with accents. The mere hearing of my accent alone makes some ignorant fools automatically assume that I am dumb--until I prove to them otherwise.

David Simpson said...

God bless you for this insightful posting. It's one of the big shame of our United States. However, it's the constant discussion of these same issues that will lift us, as a people, from the dark ages.

Joseph Adekunle said...

"America, their America." - John Pepper Clark.