Sunday, July 12, 2015

A Gift of Trust and Negative Impressions.

How many times have some of us received a wrapped gift on which is boldly written, “Fragile—Handle with Care”? This is precisely the impression that comes with the issue of trust. Trust is like a fragile gift. When reposed in a person, it can either be nourished or destroyed by the type of impression generated by the beneficiary to the folks around them.

Once upon a time, people could trust certain individuals in positions of trusts. Now for example, the impression is that only foolish parents will entrust their kids with Catholic priests. With many “Pentecostal” pastors owning private jets and living extravagantly, only naive Christians make a big deal about paying tithes. And these days, teachers, counselors and sports coaches are viewed with suspicions lest they abuse kids in their care. These trust issues were preceded by negative impressions on the part of the perpetrators but the impressions were branded as mere rumors and ignored.

Professionally, some of us have fallen victims of colleagues who betrayed our trusts in the past. And it wasn’t as if we didn’t see the problems coming. At one time or the other, we were presented with certain negative impressions about them but we ignored the warnings. Sadly, there have been other forms of breached trusts in friendships, marriages, relationships and other human endeavors all because the warning signs were ignored.


Stella George said...

As usual, you've given your audience another thought-provoking piece. Thanks!

Timothy McFadden said...

This is a very touching presentation of the word, "Trust". Wow!

Shante Green. said...

You might as well be writing about my life--and this is how I feel about some of the stuff you write about. Speaking of trust, I can write bundles of notes on what people have done to me when it comes to breach of trust. You spelt it out as it should be. Kudos!

Beverly Emmanuel said...

Each piece of writing in your blog is awesome! Please it up!

David Simpson said...

This is one of the best analysis on the issue of trust. Most people easily talk and expect others to bestow trust on them irrespective of the negative impressions they show about themselves. They forget or refuse to know that trust is too fragile to mess with.Thanks for this great treatise.

Anike Adebayo said...

Wow! Once trust is broken, hundreds of smiles can not fix it. True talk. I wish many people I know in my life realized this wise saying. Thank you, my brother.

Brandi White said...

This is truly though-provoking. We are in a world where people breach trusts with impunity. In our churches, at works and even within our families, folks don't bat eyelids when they breach our trusts. But guess what? What comes around, goes around! This is awesome--keep it up!

Margaret Idowu said...

My humble take on this issue is that people should be careful who they trust. And it's the individual that matters not where one meets them. Some, for example, erroneously choose to trust folks they meet in a church without checking their characters.

Isaiah Campbell said...

Yes indeed, trust is fragile. But how many people know this? You trust them and they trash it--and even rub it in your face afterward. This is a nice piece. Keep it up!

Henry Pierce said...

Not even Catholic members will leave their kids with a Catholic priest any more. It's the worst breach of trust! Some people just doesn't know that when they trust, it's like a "forever" thing. It will hunt them for ever! Thanks for writing about this sensitive subject.

Joy Peoples said...

Personally, I have ceased trusting in people. All I do is resist the urge to expect anything from people around me. That way, I can not be disappointed if they mess up.